As I type this, my hands shake with barely restrained emotion, and my heart aches with bittersweet memories.
The memories of my friend and I are one of strongest sources of joy and strength for me. Allow me to recount a few...
I remember watching him play DOTA, and later DOTA 2, with curiosity, even though I never really got into it myself. I enjoyed learning about the terminology and techniques through him, and celebrating his victories with him.
I remember him and my other friends ribbing me about my taste in games. However, it can't be said that I never ribbed them in return. ;)
I remember hopping onto the hype train with him about various upcoming titles (especially from the Fallout series!). He even got me hyped for titles that I might never have given a second thought, e.g. Don't Starve.
I remember sitting with him, watching a game being streamed, but not really focusing on it because I was focused on how thin and weak he seemed.
I remember playing through some of The Walking Dead Season 1 for him because he struggled to play it himself with the cancer ravaging his body...
I remember, after his passing, missing him desperately, even as I still miss him and our many wild and wonderful discussions.
But most of all, I remember our friendship, from the start of the adventure to the end.
Thursday, 10 September 2015
Adventuring Through Friendship
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