Disclaimer: I'm not a PC Master Race douchebag.
As of late, the PC market for JRPGs has picked up considerably, with the Final Fantasy XIII trilogy and X/X-2 HD remasters expanding it even further. However, there are still some glaring gaps in the JRPG library on PC. I will be listing a few, and giving my reasons for doing so.
- Final Fantasy - this is probably the most obvious candidate, and yet for some reason, Square-Enix STILL hasn't gotten around to porting this milestone JRPG over to PC. Granted, it has not aged well, but that's all the more reason for a nice HD remaster in the vein of Final Fantasy IV The Complete Collection (yes, I know that's also not on PC!).
- Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King - now you may be asking, why not Dragon Quest I? Well, firstly, the Dragon Quest series is still relatively niche, and secondly, DQVIII is one of the best received and best-selling DQ titles in the entire series, so it makes too much sense for SE to bring it over, particularly as they have proven more than capable of doing HD remasters - just look at the grand job they did with FFX/FFX-2 HD Remaster!
- Etrian Odyssey Untold: The Millennium Girl - yes, yes I KNOW, this is a dual screen game! But just think about it - the 3DS is dying a slow, drawn-out death, and Nintendo has no plans for a dual-screen successor. Where else is the series going to go? Plus, dual monitor setups are a thing, so theoretically, one screen could be devoted to the first-person view, and another, perhaps a touch screen, could be used for the map! Alternatively, the map could be relegated to a (free) phone or tablet app. Just think of all the Wizardry and Might & Magic fans chomping at the bit to play this gem!
- Persona 5 - another obvious choice, I know, but probably the most commercially viable, due to the fact that it was released a mere four months ago, and the PS4 version probably wouldn't be a massive hassle. The sheer amount of buzz in the emulation community surrounding this game should be enough of a clue of the thirst for this game to ATLUS, who seem determined to keep their heads buried in the sand.
- Ni No Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch - with the sequel coming out in less than a year, why not do a cheap and dirty port to keep fans' thirst temporarily sated? This JRPG has its issues, mostly with the combat, but it is still an incredibly charming and sweet game that deserves a larger audience.
So, that's my wishlist! Do you know any console-exclusive JRPGs that you would love to see PC ports for? Comment below with your thoughts!