Monday, 14 September 2015

Five Great Modern Adventure Games on

The adventure genre has enjoyed a renaissance of sorts in the past few years, even if the adventure games of today are quite different compared to those from the '80s and '90s. Here are five titles that are especially great for people new to the adventure genre.

To The Moon

It's a short, sweet indie adventure with a narrative and beautiful music that will likely have you reaching for tissues to wipe away salty tears.

To The Moon on

Broken Sword 5 -  The Serpent's Curse

This entry in the Broken Sword series is a return to form, in terms of the 2D graphical style and the series' humour and characterisation.

Broken Sword 5 - the Serpent's Curse on

The Walking Dead:  Season One

This is a streamlined take on the adventure genre, and is based on Robert Kirkman's The Walking Dead comic series.  Plenty of tense situations, tough choices and heart-wrenching moments to be had.

The Walking Dead: Season One on

The Wolf Among Us

Another adventure with Telltale's signature gameplay (i.e. lots of Quick-Time Events and the occasional impactful choice).  It's a well-written, engrossing prequel to the Fable comics.

The Wolf Among Us on

Gone Home

This title's lack of overblown action sequences and direct character interaction have led many to deride it as a walking simulator.  However, I enjoyed the way it let me discover the story based around love and family at my own pace.

Gone Home on

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